Steve Whalen

IACIS history
Joined IACIS in 1999, served as row coach, instructor for various BCFE courses, Regional Manager for CFCE Certification, Advanced Course Instructor (Mac Forensics).

LE history
Delaware State Police (retired)

IACIS comments
Becoming a member of IACIS has been one of the greatest experiences of my life.  It has provided me with opportunities and knowledge that most can only dream about.  I am blessed to know, and have known, some of the greatest professionals from all over the world.  IACIS is more than a group of colleagues from similar fields, IACIS is family, and for that I am very thankful.

Where are you now?
In Delaware (USA) busier than ever consulting for SUMURI (a company I co-founded with my wife), helping other businesses become successful through Salty Gnome LLC and working to end CSAM with a non-profit project, Catch-A-Predator.