IACIS Awards

Lifetime Member

The lifetime member status is conveyed only to those that have demonstrated unparalleled support to IACIS and the digital forensic community.  This membership status is available to either Regular or Associate members.

In addition to the rights enjoyed by all members, our lifetime members may also attend any IACIS classes / functions open to the general membership (i.e., training events, certification programs, etc) without the requirement to pay any fees, and our lifetime members are no longer required to pay annual membership dues.

To see a selection of our Lifetime Members and their contribution to the forensic community, you can visit the IACIS Lifetime Members page.

Nominations for Lifetime Membership are compiled and reviewed annually by the Volunteer Management committee.  Recommendations are presented to the Board of Directors and the Awards are normally presented at the annual membership meeting in May.

To nominate one of your fellow IACIS members for a Lifetime Membership Award please email vicepresident@iacis.com.


Volunteer Recognition Award

The Volunteer Recognition Award is held in the highest regard by IACIS.  This award is reserved for the volunteer who has demonstrated exceptional volunteerism and contribution towards the betterment of IACIS over the previous calendar year.

The recipients of the Volunteer Recognition Award are people who have stood out from among the 500+ amazing IACIS volunteers who share their time and experience to better the next generation of digital forensic practitioners.

Nominations for the Volunteer Recognition Award are compiled and reviewed annually by the Volunteer Management committee.  Recommendations are presented to the Board of Directors and the Awards are normally presented at the annual membership meeting in May.

To nominate one of your fellow IACIS members for the Volunteer Recognition Award please email vicepresident@iacis.com


The Spirit of IACIS Award

What is the Spirit of IACIS? It’s not easily defined because it can mean different things to different people. But anyone who has been involved with IACIS and its people would agree that the Spirit of IACIS certainly exists as a tangible presence and it’s the reason why so many members continue to dedicate their time and their passion to this great association.

In 2022, the Spirit of IACIS Award was created. It was immediately and unanimously awarded, posthumously, to Farris ‘Tom’ Thomas CFCE. Tom became a member of IACIS in 2007 when he attended the BCFE Training class in Orlando Florida. Tom was an active volunteer for IACIS until he passed away in 2021, at the age of 75.

Tom was a true gentleman. After he passed, the IACIS listserv was flooded with tribute messages, written by fellow IACIS Members, highlighting the characteristics Tom brought to IACIS, including but not limited to being personable, gentle, kind-hearted, thoughtful, passionate, genuine, humble, calm, selfless, quick-witted, altruistic and charismatic. Tom loved IACIS and IACIS loves Tom. In Tom’s years volunteering for IACIS he was a mentor, a role model, a team player, and a quiet achiever. He embodied the IACIS values of integrity, dedication, and community. When Tom was in the room, the room was brighter. His presence is sorely missed with him gone.

Individuals like Tom Thomas are what make IACIS, IACIS. Recipients of the Spirit of IACIS Award will have demonstrated similar characteristics, through their interactions with their fellow IACIS members and like Tom, will embody the IACIS values of integrity, dedication, and community.

To nominate one of your fellow IACIS members for the Spirit of IACIS Award please email vicepresident@iacis.com

The Spirit of IACIS Award is not bestowed upon the same member more than once. The Recipients of the Spirit of IACIS Award are listed below in chronological order.

2023 Farris ‘Tom’ Thomas
2024 Doug Elrick