IACIS Students, Staff, and Vendors:
Your health and safety are our number one priority. We also recognize that many of you look forward, as we do, to participating in the training classes offered in Orlando each year. Over the last couple of weeks, as we have dealt with the Corona Virus, we have explored many options to continue to hold the 2020 Orlando Training Event, from reduced class sizes, larger space between students, and even potentially moving the coursework online. Unfortunately, between safety and logistics, we have to cancel the 2020 Orlando Training Event.
Due to the uncertainty with regard to borders, travel, and the relief from the various quarantines, we cannot at this time commit to a future training event this year. As things return to normal, understand that it is the Board’s number one goal to identify a way to potentially provide some training for our members in 2020.
With that being stated, those who have registered and paid, will be given the opportunity to carry over their registration to our 2021 Orlando Training Event or to receive a refund for their course. Those who have not paid will be cancelled from the event.
For those that paid, whether you receive a refund or postpone to 2021, the Board has decided to confer membership for 2020 to each of you. We feel that this opens the door to our IACIS community a little earlier for each of you and allows you to benefit from membership and for our members to benefit from knowledge you can share as well.
Please also understand that our bookkeeper, Debbie Plamondon, will be processing these refunds and cancellations, and that this can be a bit time consuming. She will be following up this notification with her own email to those registered, detailing the process. Please be patient in your communications with her and also be on the lookout for communication from her as she may need additional information to process a refund, if that option is chosen.
As we continue forward, please keep yourself and your family safe and healthy.
IACIS Board of Directors